Meeting to consider SB 226, SB 239 and SB 359


Senate Labor and Industry Committee

Wednesday, March 8, 2023 | 10 a.m.

East Wing, Hearing Room 8E-A


  • SB 226 – (Robinson) – Amends the Fire and Panic Act to correct the date by which family childcare
    homes must implement interconnected smoke alarm requirements.
  • SB 239 – (Argall) – Establishes procedures to be followed when state correctional officers and
    forensic employees are under investigation for misconduct and requires that state correctional
    officers suspended pending investigation continue to receive pay and benefits unless a criminal
    proceeding has been instituted under the Governor’s Code of Conduct, in which case the employee
    may be suspended without pay.
  • SB 359 – (Robinson) – Amends Title 62 (Procurement) to require commonwealth agencies to adjust
    the price of construction materials where the supply cost increased more than 5% from the time of
    the bid to the time of construction material acquisition starting with projects bid on or after March
    15, 2020.
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