HARRISBURG – Today, Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward (R-Westmoreland) issued the following statement on the passage of Senate Bill 224, which would move up Pennsylvania’s 2024 primary election date to March 19:
“Pennsylvania plays a critical role in deciding our nation’s leaders, yet when it comes to the primary election process, Pennsylvanians have little to no say in who the candidates will be in the general election as our primary election is late in the process. By the time Pennsylvanians have the opportunity to select candidates for the general election, many potentially good candidates have already exited the race due to results in earlier primary states.
“This bill will change that by positioning Pennsylvania to have more influence in selecting candidates earlier for the general election by moving up the 2024 primary election date to March 19. The House of Representatives will need to act quickly on this bill when they return to session in order to allow enough time for the change to be put in place.”
Erica Clayton Wright; ewright@pasen.gov