With State Budget Deadline Approaching, Coleman Appointed to Senate Appropriations Committee

HARRISBURG – With the constitutionally mandated June 30 state budget deadline approaching, Sen. Jarrett Coleman (R-16) today was appointed by Senate President Pro Tempore Kim Ward (R-39) to serve on the Senate Appropriations Committee, which plays a key role in crafting the annual spending plan.

“We have some very important decisions to make as a commonwealth in this year’s state budget that could affect the trajectory of Pennsylvania and impact our taxpayers for years to come,” Coleman said. “We face a fundamental choice between returning money to the hard-working taxpayers who earned it or giving huge sums of additional money to Harrisburg bureaucrats and drastically growing the size of state government.”

Coleman and a bipartisan majority of his Senate colleagues recently approved legislation containing what would be the largest tax cut for working families in Pennsylvania history, saving taxpayers more than $13 billion during the next five years.

Senate Bill 269 would reduce the state personal income tax (PIT) rate from 3.07% to 2.8%, enabling working Pennsylvanians to keep more of the money in their paychecks.

The bill also would eliminate the gross receipts tax on energy effective Jan. 1, 2025. This would provide critical relief to Pennsylvanians struggling to pay high energy costs.

The legislation calls for the largest tax cut for working families in Pennsylvania history, saving taxpayers more than $13 billion during the next five years.

“I am pleased to announce Senator Coleman’s appointment to the Senate Appropriations Committee,” Ward said. “Senator Coleman’s commitment to economic growth and ensuring a government that works for taxpayers makes him the ‘go-to’ person for his constituents in the Lehigh Valley and a natural choice for the Senate Appropriations Committee.” 

“Senator Coleman has been a strong advocate for fostering growth and development across our commonwealth, while also standing up for increased fiscal responsibility,” Senate Majority Leader Joe Pittman (R-41) said. “I am confident he will bring thoughtful perspective to the table and continue to advocate for the needs of working families as a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee.”

Senate Bill 269 was sent to the House of Representatives for consideration.

In addition to serving on the Senate Appropriations Committee, Coleman will continue to serve as chairman of the Senate Intergovernmental Operations Committee and as a member of the Senate Communications and TechnologyConsumer Protection and Professional LicensureEducationLocal Government, and Urban Affairs and Housing committees.

Residents who want to learn more about Coleman can visit his website at www.SenatorColeman.com, follow him on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SenatorJarrettColeman and sign up for email newsletters at www.SenatorColeman.com/eNewsletters

CONTACT: Leo Knepper

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